The World’s Most Dangerous Pests – How to Choose Better Pest Control Service

Flesh flies are typically found breeding in feces or decaying material but some species lay their eggs in the open wounds of mammals. About forty people die each year as a result of being stung; in any case, a sting from this hornet is extremely painful and requires hospitalization. In Japan, it is called the Giant Sparrow Bee, and it is actually considered a beneficial insect, because it feeds on agricultural pests. The good news is that it usually is not aggressive, and only stings a person when threatened, so leave it alone!
Whenever bats are mentioned during Halloween, it is usually in reference to vampires or Dracula. Luckily, unlike vampires, bats do not suck blood; however, they can spread diseases, such as rabies which makes bat control & prevention something a homeowner should strongly consider.
Brown recluse spiders are recognized by the dark brown “violin-like” marking on their back. The spiders are nocturnal and tend to feed on cockroaches and crickets. However, they will also bite humans if they feel threatened, potentially leaving a “volcano lesion” – a large, damaged hole in the flesh. In extreme cases, severe itching, nausea, vomiting, fever, and muscle pain can also occur.
The Bullet Ant, so named because its sting is said to be as painful as a gunshot wound, is native to South America. The locals call it Hormiga Veinticuatro, or the 24-hour ant, because the pain of its sting lasts for about a day. They are used by the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil for initiation rites; unconscious ants are How To Keep An Immaculate Home woven into a glove of leaves, with their stingers facing inward. A boy must then put his hand into the glove, and endure the stings for ten minutes without screaming. This results in temporary paralysis, and days of uncontrollable shaking – and then the boy has only to repeat the rite nineteen more times to become a man.
The Amazonian Giant Centipede is the largest centipede in the world, sometimes exceeding twelve inches in length. It feeds on rodents, lizards, bats, birds, and tarantulas, among other things. Its bite Pesticides Examples is painful, and usually causes severe swelling and a fever, but is not likely to be fatal to a human. Centipedes are arthropods, not insects, and this particular one is a favorite of collectors.
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