Pest Profile: Flying Squirrels

Endemic to the Eastern United States, flying squirrels can present a real problem when they colonize your attic for the winter.
Flying Squirrels 101
Southern flying squirrels are the smaller of two flying squirrel species native to North America. They typically have grey-brown fur with white furred bellies, and they are notable for the furry membrane which goes between their front and back legs. Flyers live in colonies, sometimes with as many as 20 members! When they reproduce, flyers usually have 2-7 pups twice a year.
Why They’re Pests
Nobody wants to live with their entire extended family, and it would be even worse to have someone else’s whole family move into your home. Sadly, when one flying squirrel decides that your home is a great hangout, they bring a whole colony of flyers with them to roost. Flyers seek out warm, enclosed places like attics during the fall and the cold winter months so that they can store food and remain cozy while winter rages outside. Pregnant flyers also seek the safety of attics for birthing and raising their pups.
Are They Dangerous?
Flyers aren’t directly dangerous to humans if handled properly (though, like any animal, they will bite if they feel threatened!); their true danger lies in the property damage they cause. These animals are rodents, which means they must chew to file down Pest Control Objectives their teeth. This need to gnaw can result in potentially massive property damage as flyers will chew on anything, including structural elements and electrical wiring. Wiring damage is a very serious concern because it can quickly become a fire hazard.
Do They Carry Diseases?
Flying squirrels mainly carry one disease that affects humans: typhus. It is rare to catch typhus from a flyer, but it is a risk to consider. Flying squirrels also play host to many different parasites, including but not limited to fleas, lice, and mites. Rabies is extremely rare in flyers, but it is possible for them to carry it.
Removal Organic Pest Control Products For Home
Because flying squirrels live in colonies, it’s not enough to trap a few and call it a day. You have to make sure that every single flyer is relocated away from your home, which can be a time-consuming task. To make removing and relocating your southern flying squirrel problem easier, consider hiring a professional wildlife removal and relocation team. Professional wildlife extractors can make sure each member of the colony is safely and properly caught and relocated. After all of the flyers have been removed, your professional wildlife removal and relocation specialists can recommend repairs to your home to keep it from being re-colonized.

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