Pest Control – How to Get Rid Of Mice in Your House

Before you can get rid of mice in your house, you should verify that you even have a mouse problem. How can you do that?

Look For Evidence of a Mouse Problem

Take time to inspect your home. Look in your cabinets, garage, drawers, closets and other places to see if you find evidence of:

Holes in food boxes or packages

Rice-shaped pellets littering your cupboards, drawers or other places

Scratches on your furniture or bedding

Unexplained piles of food around your house

If you find some of these or all of them it’s a sure bet that, you have a mouse problem.

Some people think that having mice is no big deal. Some even consider them cute. But mice are only Bed Bug Dog Sniffers cute in cartoons; they’re no laughing matter when they infiltrate your home and set up residence.

For homeowners, getting rid of these troublesome pests can be a nightmare in many ways. Mice carry diseases, which can put your entire family at risk. They are destructive-costing you extra money to replace food, furniture and other items. Plus if you hire a pest control company, you could pay upwards of $500 dollars for service and a yearly maintenance agreement. It can become a very costly.

How to Get Rid of Mice in Your House in Three Easy Steps

Step One – Inspect

First, inspect your house looking for access areas-cracks, holes, or openings that the mice could use to get into your home. Check the foundation of your house as well as your basement bulkheads. Many people don’t realize that mice are excellent climbers so you need to check your roof as well. This can be a tedious process but it is necessary.

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Step Two – Seal Bed Bug Home Remedies Hydrogen Peroxide It Up!

Once you’ve identified these openings seal them with hardware cloth, copper mesh, caulk, sheet metal, foam, or steel to prevent reentry.

Step Three – Lay Your Trap

Either you can lay your traps before, after, or at the same time as you seal located openings. Ideally you should do the sealing and the laying of your traps on the same day to be effective so that access points are cut off and you can implement population control immediately.

You can use a three prong approach; use mousetraps, glue boards and mouse bait stations. Place the traps and the glue boards along the path you believe the mice travel. Put the bait stations in areas where the mice frequent but keep them out of the reach of pets and children.

Alternate Step – Get a Secret Weapon

If none of these appeal to you-consider getting a cat. Cats can be very effective in eliminating a mouse problem. A cat that has spent a lot of time out-doors will be the ideal candidate.

Following these straightforward and simple steps will help you mouse-proof your house and get rid of your mouse problem effectively.