Fun Facts Of Bugs

Bugs are fascinating creatures that can be found in every corner of the world. There are large bugs, creepy bugs, and bugs that fly. Some bugs bite people or animals while others have saliva which contains healing qualities. Some bugs are poisonous and other are enjoyed Wellness Mama Insect Repellent as delicacies. Bugs often flock to warm dry places that are protected from the elements and have food readily available. If one finds that their house is infested with bugs, then they should call pest control in order to get termite treatment on their house.
Ants are one of the most widely known bugs. Ants are often depicted stealing food from innocent people’s picnics but in reality they are actually quite nice. Ants have an amazing building and hierarchy system unknown to most humans. When an ant goes out searching for food, it leaves a trail of excretion that other ants can follow to find the food. An ant can carry five times its weight in food or dirt. Ants move dirt to create large mounds that have several layers of twists and turns that eventually lead to the hatching chamber. When an ant is born it gets assigned a position in life as either a digger or a gatherer.
Worms burrow into the ground creating a labyrinth of holes and passage ways. Worms eat dirt and then it comes out as waste that is extremely fertile and is sought after by many gardeners. One interesting thing about worms is that if it gets cut in half, it simply becomes two separate worms. Most worms actually haves five or six hearts, this is why they can survive when broken apart. Worms Neem Oil For Indoor Plants are also used as popular fishing bait. Fish like to eat live moving things and a worm wiggling on a hook is the perfect thing. Even fake worms are used as fishing bait and come in all different colors. There are also other kinds of worms that are parasites and invade into the human body. These kinds of worms like the warmth that a body offers and burrows deep to absorb food and nutrients.
Caterpillars are a lot like worms in their shape and dimensions but they differ in almost everything else. Unlike worms, caterpillars eat mostly crunchy green leaves and they have eyes, a mouth and antennae. Caterpillars are born from eggs that were laid by butterflies and after a short life as a caterpillar; they wrap themselves tightly in a cocoon and morph into a butterfly. Just prior to the cocoon stage, caterpillars stuff themselves with leaves to sustain themselves through metamorphosis. Butterflies are extremely lightweight beautiful creatures that flutter more than fly. Butterflies can be found in all different colors with dozens of different patterns displayed on their wings.
Fleas are smallish hard to see bugs that like to nestle themselves in the fur of animals. If one has a cat, dog, or ferret, then they should routinely check their pet’s fur signs of the little buggers. Fleas lay eggs in animal’s fur and cause the animals to itch.

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