Tips On Preventing Moths From Eating Your Clothes

There are two species of moths found in Missouri that are very well-known for destroying clothes. The webbing clothes moth is by far the most common, and is found throughout the United States; however, the case-making clothes moth is also very common. Both insects look very similar, and can be difficult to tell apart. The wing spread of both animals measures about half of an inch across, wing tip to wing tip. The rear wings have long fringes on the edge. Both moths are a buff to golden color. The differences between the two creatures are few; the webbing clothes moth has a red tuft of hair on its head, while the case-making moth does not. The case-making clothes moth also has three dark dots on each of its wings. Even the larvae look extremely alike; both grow to about half of an inch long, are all white, and have a brown head.
The insects get their names from the actions of their larvae. The case making larva spins a protective case to hide in out of silk and material fibers. The webbing clothes moth larva spins a silk patch to hide under. The larvae hatch out of their eggs about a week after they are laid, and immediately begin searching for food. They generally eat anything that is made out of animal material, with their favorites being wool Homemade Pest Control For Home and fur. After between 30 and 90 days of eating and growing the larvae spins a cocoon. The pupation stage typically last around ten days, at which time an adult animal emerges. The female moths are able to begin breeding and laying eggs the day they emerge from the cocoon and the cycle begins again. The entire process, from egg to adult, takes about 90 to 120 days, depending on temperatures and availability of food.
A female clothes moth can lay up to 200 eggs in her lifetime, so if you have several creatures reproducing in your house, they can do some serious damage to your wardrobe. There are some simple tips that you can follow that will greatly help in reducing the risk of a moth infestation. First, clean your house often, especially if you have pets. Moths love animal hair; vacuum at least once per week to keep hair from attracting these destructive insects. Second, dry clean your wool or fur clothes after every time that you wear them. Moths love soiled clothes. Also, store your clothes in airtight garment bags or plastic tubs to deter bugs. Lastly, if it is available, use cold storage for your clothes. Temperatures at or below 40 degrees are almost certain to eliminate moth activity and reproduction.
Following these simple tips can help keep your wardrobe moth free. Once you have a moth infestation they can be very difficult to Who Pest Control Guidelines eliminate. Most store-bought pesticides do a very poor job. It is highly recommended that you call a professional exterminator.

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