The Emerald Ash Borer and Your Ash Trees

Ash trees are arguably one of the most beautiful. These tall beauties line thousands of streets through Maryland, South Carolina and North Carolina, to name just a few states.
These gorgeous treasures, however may vanish from our scenery, creating a serious environmental impact in your neighborhood.
Did you know that an ash tree a mere eighteen inches in diameter hold over 2,400 gallons of water in its leaves over a years time? Did you know that the roots of the tree also help our drainage system holding an impressive 27 times the water as compared to bare soil? Where would all of that water go without our trees?
These innocent trees have fallen victim to a foreign invader that is ruthlessly destroying them at an alarming rate. Almost thirty million ash trees have been consumed by this invader in the last three or four years.
The attacker destroying our ash trees is the Emerald Ash Borer. A native of northern China, we don’t really know for sure how it got here, but we do known that it is spreading faster than fire Aphid Killer Recipe and devastating every tree it meets. So, if you have these trees on your property then educate yourself as to how to recognize these bugs, so that you can take the appropriate measures.
Chop Down Your Tree – Or Save It?
In the beginning of the Emerald Ash Borer invasion, most communities decided that simply removing the trees was the most economical solution. However, upon research uncovering the above information about the impact to our drainage and watering systems, there has been a drastic change of heart.
It has been reported that after removing them, many communities saw an increase in watering of Corded Electric Lawn Mower lawns and other public areas of up to 30%, significantly increasing everyone’s water bills.
As they also provide a significant amount of shade, home owners may want to consider that when deciding whether to keep an ash tree or not.
Another detail worthy of note is that the Emerald Ash Borer doesn’t attack sick and diseased trees like other borers do. It attacks healthy trees that can continue growing for years to come when they are treated. So, keep in mind that when you decide to save your tree, you’ll have it around for many more years.
When you are suspicious that your tree may have been infected, contact a local pest control professional as they can get you more information as you decide what to do with your ash trees.

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