Residential Pest Control Tips for the Fall

As the weather cools down in autumn, critters begin searching for warm places to stay for the winter. What this means to those concerned with residential pest management is that pests, such as rodents and insects will be looking for ways into your home at this time.
Rodents can cause all kinds of problems if they get into your home. They can be stubborn, and may require calling a pest control company. Be especially vigilant about taking care of rodent problems, because rodents in this area can also carry diseases such as the Hanta Virus, which can contaminate food and spaces via their waste. They also damage the areas they inhabit by gnawing through just about everything, including electrical wiring.
Many types of insect pests will use your home as a place to lay low during the winter until warmer weather comes and they can multiply, leaving you with a nasty surprise which may require calling a pest control company. Homes are prone to invasions by wood destroying pests such as termites and carpenter ants. Take care of these pests as soon as possible to prevent damage to your home, even if it means getting help from a local pest control company. In a climate well suited to these pests, so be sure to have your local pest control company do an inspection every now and then.
For these reasons, you’ll want to get a head start on doing what residential pest management you can. Here’s a brief checklist of things to be sure to take care of before the fall comes.
1. Keep firewood off the ground and away from your home.
Many types of insects consider firewood an ideal home. This is why it’s one of the first things residential pest control companies recommend taking care of. Keeping the firewood in a manner that prevents it from lying directly on the ground is a simple strategy to help with local pest management. Keeping it away from the outside of your home will help prevent any insects that do live in the wood pile from moving into your home.
2. Trim trees and shrubs back from your home.
Take a look around the exterior of your home. Residential pest management experts will tell you that any branches or plants that are very near or in contact with the outside can act as a bridge onto, and then into your home.
3. Clean up garden debris and remove 4 D For Pest Control dead and diseased plants.
Dead and decaying plants are a favorite food source and building material for insects. As you go about your local pest management routine, place diseased plants in a yard debris container, rather than the compost pile, as most compost heaps do not get hot enough to kill the diseases which the plants are carrying.
4. Till the Diy Mosquito Spray Vs Professional garden.
For residential pest management, tilling your garden displaces burrowing insects from where they want to be; some are sent deeper underground where they’ll likely not dig their way out, while others are sent to the surface where they’re exposed to the cold weather which they’re trying to shelter themselves from. For your garden itself, this will aerate the soil and add nutrient-rich plant matter.
5. Plant pest-repelling crops in your garden.
Plant rosemary, lavender and mint as natural mosquito repellents to avoid having to call the pest control company. These plants are well suited to a temperate climate, but there are also many others with similar benefits. Do a little homework on which plants naturally deter pests, to save yourself a lot of trouble later on in the year.
Climates with a year-round growing season make for beautiful scenery, but this also means that there will be pests taking advantage of this all year. By following these few tips, you can avoid a lot of local pest problems later on.

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