Residential Pest Control: Differentiating Between the Norway Rat and Deer Mouse

It’s important for your local pest control company to understand a pest’s biology and behavior and use that knowledge to create a strategy and multi-pronged plan of action in order to control the infestation. Therefore, the first step of safe and effective residential pest control is to accurately identify the pests in question, especially when it comes to rodent pest control, so that they find an accurate method of dealing with that specific pest.
Though homeowners may not see much of a difference between rats and mice when it comes to residential pest control, rodent pest control experts find it important to differentiate between mouse control and rat control as the pest control tactics for each differs.
Two rodents that are commonly mistaken for one another are the deer mouse and Norway rat. They both are found in the Pacific Northwest and share similar habits such as gnawing paper, books, wood, upholstery, plastic, cinder blocks, wiring, and other soft metals (which can cause fire hazards). As is common with most rodents, they are enticed by food within a home and can contaminate the food with their urine and feces. Not only that, but they also carry a plethora of terrible diseases that can put your health in jeopardy.
In order to protect you and your family’s health and safety, it is important to get in contact Houseplant Pests White Fuzz with a local pest control company upon detecting signs of a rodent infestation.
Here is a look at how to tell whether the rodent control you require is for a deer mouse or Norway rat and how to identify an infestation in general:
About Deer Mice
Native to North America, deer mice (peromyscus) have larger eyes than a common house mouse and can grow to 5-8 inches in length. Usually they have two-toned coloring which involves white bellies and darker colors Homemade Bug Killer For House on their backs. They are fast runner and jumpers and can squeeze through tiny holes. One way to partake in mouse control for these critters is to seal up any holes that are large enough for them to crawl through.
About Norway Rats
Found in the Pacific Northwest, Norway rats are one of the two main species of rats (along with the roof rat). Though the Norway rat is not in fact from Norway originally, it is thought to have come from Asia (most likely China). They can grow to 13-18.5 inches in length from head to tail, which makes them a larger breed than roof rats. They have whitish-gray bellies and the rest of their bodies are covered in coarse brown hair.
Which is Which?
Though the sizes of adult Norway rats and Deer mice differ drastically, adolescent Norway rats are similar in size to an adult deer mouse at a glance. By collecting a specimen for analysis, your local mouse and rat control company will be able to tell which rodent is infesting your home. Another identifying factor is the shape and size of the head of the rodent in relation to its body. A Norway rat’s head will be large, stubby, short, and broad in relation to its body, while a deer mouse’s head will be a triangular shape and small in comparison to its body. Deer mice also have a sharper and narrower snout and larger ears than Norway rats.
It’s best to let a rodent pest control expert handle a pest infestation in your home, even if you think you can identify the species. Both deer mice and Norway rats can carry the Hanta virus, which is extremely harmful to humans and is transmitted through rodent urine, saliva, and droppings. By getting in contact with rodent droppings and living in an infested home, you put yourself at risk of being exposed to the Hanta virus. It is because of this danger that you would be better off calling a residential pest control company for pest control assistance.

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