If You Want Flowers, Choose a Bush Rose! Caring For Your Bush Rose

There are many different styles of rose, and each style will provide a different structural element to your garden. Climbing roses give a lovely, cottage-y feel to your garden, while standard roses provide a wonderful frame to an entrance way or path. Miniature roses provide great ground cover, however if you are looking for a good, cutting rose that you can bring inside and enjoy, then a bush rose is the way to go.
Caring for your bush rose is easy, once you understand the basics. As with all roses, your soil is a key to success. Rich, well-draining soil with plenty of organic matter will give your bush roses the best chance of success and help to produce gorgeous, plentiful blooms. If you’re gardening organically, then feeding your soil twice a year with good organic matter such as compost should suffice.
It’s also important that your roses have plenty of sunlight – 6 hours a day is ideal – and that if possible, you plant them out of the wind. Wind will destroy your blooms more quickly than anything else.
One of the main problems with roses, is pests. Aphids (greenfly) are a constant menace, and you will need to be vigilant throughout the growing season. If you are choosing to garden organically, then the best way to stay on top of your aphids is to wander around your roses at least every second day, and simply squash any aphids that you see. You may also want to consider companion plants for your roses, such as parsley or garlic. However if you choose conventional methods then you can relax slightly – a spray with a suitable product from your garden center every 2 weeks should keep the pests at bay.
If you live in a humid climate then blackspot may be a problem. Again, you can keep this at bay by simply removing any infected leaves that you see and burning them (DON’T put them on your compost pile or drop them onto the soil, the infection Different Types Of Pesticide Application will spread). Ensuring there is good airflow around and through your bushes will also help. If you are gardening conventionally, then you should be able to purchase an all-in-one spray that will sort out your aphids and blackspot in one hit.
If you are not cutting your roses, then deadhead them by removing the spent flowerheads before they put too much energy into growing rosehips. This will help to encourage new blooms and will extend your plant’s flowering season. And then, in winter, prune your bushes back hard for both shape and vigor.
With these few, simple steps you will have a healthy, robust rose bush Problems With Insecticides providing you with blooms well into autumn, for you to enjoy.

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