Bed Bug Pest Control: The Latest Detection Methods

As very tiny pests to begin with, bed bugs can be quite difficult to detect. Not only are they minuscule in size, but they quiet, sneaky, and most active at night, leaving you unaware of their presence until you wake up with bites. It is due to these factors that makes home pest inspection for bed bugs a tricky feat.
Seeing as bed bug pest control has proven to be challenging, your local pest control company will most likely Natural Biopesticides have several different detection methods in order to make sure you accurately find and get rid of bed bugs.
Here is a look at five popular bed bug detection techniques:
1. Visual Inspection.
Yes, these critters are almost impossible to detect with the naked eye, but they do leave evidence around that proves their existence. Your local pest control company can advise you about certain home pest inspection tactics, such as using a bright flashlight to search for the bugs in cracks and seams of your upholstery and bed. Bed bugs also leave around small droppings that have a specific odor so any small brown dots on sheets or on a nearby wall are a sign that these pests are around. Make sure to check all crevices, such as under cushions, mattresses, and box springs, as these pests seem to thrive in those areas.
The problem with this visual detection method is that it requires a good amount of time and focus to hunt for signs of infestation, and there is no certainty that your findings will be accurate. Hence this is why other pest control detection methods have been created.
2. Passive devices.
Passive devices are set up in potential bed bug hot spots and are designed to not attract pests, but rather sit there “passively” until a bed bug wanders in and then traps or kills it. This has become a popular tactic.
Detector devices, such as traditional glue traps, simply detect rather than kill the bugs. There are sticky trap and dry ice devices that are advanced, but also costly and require some skill to put together. Hardware stores carry many of these passive devices, How To Prevent Pest Infestation In Kitchen but your local pest control company will usually have an even better selection of bed bug traps. Keeping all of this in mind, pest infestations cannot be eliminated solely with traps. Other treatments in conjunction with traps may be able to do the trick.
3. Active Devices.
On the other hand, active devices actually do lure the pests with CO2, heat, and other chemicals and then monitored and tracked or killed. Though these devices cannot take and eliminate an entire bed bug infestation, they are great for confirming that there is indeed a pest infestation before you discuss with a local bug control company about scheduling a home pest inspection.
4. DIY tricks.
Homemade detectors and traps are popular among some homeowners as well. You can create your own mattress guards and sticky traps, but these options should only be seen as preventative measures, not as an actual pest control method. A local pest control company should be contacted upon detecting a bed bug infestation to prevent further issues.
5. Canine scent detection.
There are dogs that have been specifically trained to detect bed bugs. This is a much more accurate method in comparison to the human visual home pest inspection method. There is a bit of controversy surrounding this method as recent studies have shown that the level and skill of canine scent detection can vary greatly. Even with this in mind, there have been many successful and effective pest detection canines out there.
All of these bed bug detection methods, though not precisely perfect for each and every case, are still great options and will be recommended by your local pest control company. Before you make any final decisions about pest problems in your home though, get in touch with a pest control service and make an appointment for a home pest inspection.

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