4 Organic Pest Control Recipes That Work

Mankind has been killing pests since the beginning of civilization. Synthetic pesticides were not manufactured until the 1950s. That leaves hundred of years where insects and Bugs On Houseplants Home Remedies other pests were controlled with homemade remedies. There are many organic pest control recipes which use these methods, combined with a common sense practical approach.
Instead of chemical pesticides which can contaminate water, soil, and crops with toxins, many seemingly ordinary substances can deter pests. Here are some easy recipes that really work to control pests:
Know your insects
With an organic approach, there is a more diverse treatment plan. The problem with spraying or dusting with synthetic pesticides is that often gardeners and farmers took a shotgun approach, but with organic pest control recipes you can more specifically direct your treatment toward pests on a certain plant if you so desire. And, this way you do not kill the beneficial insects along with the bad ones.
Emptying a garden of all insects is not a good approach since so many insects are helpful to humans and are needed by nature for balance. So, know your insects so that you can identify the pests you want to eliminate and direct your efforts toward those. Get some insect identification books, check internet databases, and if all else fails, take the insect to your local agricultural extension agent and ask for help.
Spray and wash
Never underestimate the power of soap and water when battling garden pests. Some insects are so small and soft-shelled that a hard spray from a hose onto the plant leaves can kill them. When that doesn’t work, such as when the insects are hard-shelled and oblivious to water, like mites, aphids, whiteflies and thrips, you can add soap to the water. Soapy water does not hurt plants or vegetables but it means death for many types of insects.
All you need for this soapy recipe is dishwashing detergent and water. Add two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid to a gallon of warm water and suds it up. Pour the mix into a spray bottle and apply to the leaves of the plant, spraying the insects themselves whenever possible. Hold up the leaves and spray the under side of them as well. Dawn(TM) dishwashing liquid is perfect for killing pests. Bathe your dog with it to get rid of fleas.
Veggie oil and isopropyl alcohol
Two things which pests hate are vegetable oil and isopropyl alcohol, but these are two substances most people have on hand at home. It only takes a minute to find a container and mix together How To Do Pest Control At Home By Yourself a cup of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. Add a tablespoon of this mix to your spray bottle, along with two cups of water. Now you are ready for organic pest control.
If the vegetable oil recipe is ineffective, try this one: Mix together one cup of isopropyl alcohol, one teaspoon vegetable oil and one quart of water, then spray it onto the insects. Insects also do not like hot or spicy liquids, so adding hot peppers to your recipe will make it even more to their dislike.
Beer and slug soup
There’s an old time remedy to get rid of slugs that actually works. The only problem is that it’s not very practical for large gardens or fields. All you need to try this organic pest control method is a paper cup or similar container and a bottle of beer. In the infested area, make a small hole for the cup so it’s lip is the same level as the ground. Pour some beer into the cup. Do this all around the plants being bothered by slugs. Come back the next day and the cups will be full of slugs for you to take away and destroy. If you want to torture the slugs, sprinkle a little salt on them and watch them squirm before dying. This is the perfect solution when slugs have eaten all of your tomatoes.
Many different formulas for getting rid of pests have been passed down through the years. Most are recipes you can mix up to kill insects and control them by organic means. As you can see, they use simple every-day ingredients most people have at home. Organic pest control is not at all complicated, and is sure to provide you with some delicious vegetables and fruits.

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